Sunday, September 17, 2006

Questions from Tim on Wrath, Hell, and Arrogance

Am I the only one who thinks that God's quote "wrath", is loving people, not striking them down? that God's "punishment" is pulling us even closer too him? that "hell", whatever "hell" is, is a place where people are loved-not tortured?
Or how about this: Does anyone else think that all of us humans on earth are equal like God created us, and that followers of Jesus are not a being that is "over" or "Higher up" than non-christians? I can't see those who are not following Jesus wanting to follow Jesus if the example they see is Christians who act like they are overpowering and better than non-followers or believers. input?
It seems to me that God's love is unbelievably powerful, and conquers ALL things. Does anyone think this way or have any comment to this? Im sure some would disagree with this, but I would still like others' opinions on this.

peace&love brothers and sisters.
-tim e.


Blogger Thomas (Murphy) Bridges said...

Just to stimulate further conversation, and frame our context:

"The vast majority of North American evangelicals, in pew and in pulpit, in church school and in public service, seem to conceive the Christian life as consisting of soliciting others to confess faith in Jesus Christ. Their propositionalized and future-oriented version of the gospel robs such evangelicals of any awareness that the Christian is a creature within a creation, the creature divinely mandated to care for creation."

Comment: We think it is all about heaven and hell. Are we wrong? (Hint hint hint: VERY wrong!)

Pax Christi~Thomas

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim ...

If you're looking for something to read about "Hell" and things, I think I'd recommend Jurgen Moltmann's "In the End - The Beginning: The Life of Hope". It's not that hard of a read; sort of autobiographical. I think he could say anything I'd try to say ... except a lot better.

be peace, brother

2:47 PM  

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