"There is only one teacher."

“A student when fully trained will be like his master.” Who is training me? Do I like what I see? Am I happy with what I will come out like? What if I (we) don’t see anyone where I feel God may be calling me (us)? Who do I (we) look up to? How will I avoid being beaten up by institutions, and my creativity being squashed by uniformity? Is faithfulness static? What does faithfulness look like? Like it did in 100 AD, or 400 AD, or 1700 AD, or the 1990’s? Could faithfulness to what the Spirit is doing look slightly different in the near future than anything we have ever seen? If not – which phase of the ever-changing history of the Church do we need to freeze-frame and imitate?
Lord, guide us. We are lost, and we know it. We are looking to you for direction. How do we hold the arts and the academy together? So they have to be antithetical? Why do we have to choose between being theorists and practitioners? Jesus, please provide a third way.
Dear Thomas, Don't feel lost. Start with Torah, The Prophets and the the other writings. THEN go on to the Master of all Rabbis , Yeshua The KING (Jesus) and His words. Relogion is only confusing because you pay attention to it. Tune this stuff out and quietly listen and wait for the Messiah to speak. All who seek to worship G-D in truth and spirit are a bit lonely right now, the world is getting pretty dark, just remember your NOT alone!
Shalom Duder.
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