Some interesting Church experiences
I have visited two churches so far. One is Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene, and I went to their 8:15 a.m. Word and Table Liturgucal service. It was very intresting, with processions, reaponsive readings, robes, a mini-sermon and eucharist. They really seemed sincere, and theologically it was hard to argue with, but it seemed really awkward, and there seemed to be no sense of community whatsoever. This is unfortunate... any thoughts from anyone on this type of service going on in a Nazarene church?I think it is a good idea... but have weird thoughts about it...
The other community I have joined that last two weeks is jacob's well. It is a very young (6yrs.) church plant that meets in an old presbyterian building. they have an indie-rock style of worship band, eucharist every week, and Tim Keel's sermons are very interactive. I went to a book discussion on Hauwerwas' "Resident Aliens" friday night, and the people here just seem to be really intense disciples. Myself and others who have been going with me really sense a belinging among them, and I will be sharing a lot of what I learn from this church and its history, life an people. Peace~Thomas
Jake - I see what you are saying. However - I did not think it to be growing pains... no one there seemed to want to grow. I have been a part of, even ran liturgical services (at least as liturgical as this service was - as it was interrupted by a short video on church vision, etc.). There was no LIFE in it - catch my drift? I coul dhave been mistaken though. But - I have been a part of cool liturgical services before in Naz. churches, but have just never seen a REGULARLY scheduled one like KC 1st~Thomas
Hey Thomas...I don't believe we've met yet, but I happened upon your blog.
To go to one service at a church and draw conclusions about the people there ("no community" and "no one there seemed to want to grow") may be a hasty judgment. You need to get to know Roger Hahn. You'll see that both of these conclusions may be premature.
Part of the problem is that we judge churches by their Sunday morning worship services. This is partly thanks to the "seeker sensitive" movement that made us try and put all aspects of what "church" should be into the worship service so we can attract outsiders.
But the worship service is only one aspect of who the church is to be. If you expected to get all aspects of church in that very short amount of time, I'm not surprised that you were dissappointed.
By the way, I have yet to go to that service at 1st Church. I hope to someday, but haven't yet.
Thanks for the read,
- J
jeremey - thanks for the insight. I will note that I love Roger Hahn, and that he was not there that week. I was impressed with Pastor Pusey though - he was very inviting and has called me sicne I went there. I am not looking for the best sunday morninng worhip service to consume, and will probaly go bakc there (I was out of town this last weekend).
I was probably hasty in my judgment, thanks for the correction. However, I still wrote what I percieved - which appeared to be a lack of willingness of those around me to participate in what was going on. I hope I am wrong. I also hope we meet soon. Forgive my hasty judgment. I need to be more careful.
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